--------------------------------------------------------- 2800HT ---PCMark2002 CPU 5911 MEM 8573 HDD 1281 ---Sandra2007 Processor Arithmetic Dhrystone ALU 6840 MIPS Whetstone iSSE3 8449 MFLOPS Processor Multi-Media Integer x8 iSSE2 20424 it/s Floating-Point x4 iSSE2 26426 it/s Memory Bandwidth Int Buff'd iSSE2 3861 MB/s Float Buff'd iSSE2 3825 MB/s Memory Latency (Random) 205 ns Speed Factor 141.3 Cache and Memory Combined Index 8622 MB/s Speed Factor 18.0 Physical Disks Drive Index 64MB/s Random Access Time 16ms --------------------------------------------------------- 2800HT Hyperion 5.09A ---Sandra2007 Processor Arithmetic Dhrystone ALU 6834 MIPS Whetstone iSSE3 8477 MFLOPS Processor Multi-Media Integer x8 iSSE2 20422 it/s Floating-Point x4 iSSE2 26425 it/s Memory Bandwidth Int Buff'd iSSE2 3867 MB/s Float Buff'd iSSE2 3865 MB/s Memory Latency (Random) 205 ns Speed Factor 141.5 Cache and Memory Combined Index 8676 MB/s Speed Factor 17.8 Physical Disks Drive Index 64MB/s Random Access Time 16ms --------------------------------------------------------- 3720HT Hyperion 5.09A ---Sandra2007 Processor Arithmetic Dhrystone ALU 9120 MIPS Whetstone iSSE3 11241 MFLOPS Processor Multi-Media Integer x8 iSSE2 27164 it/s Floating-Point x4 iSSE2 35183 it/s Memory Bandwidth Int Buff'd iSSE2 4530 MB/s Float Buff'd iSSE2 4572 MB/s Memory Latency (Random) 186 ns Speed Factor 170.8 Cache and Memory Combined Index 10460 MB/s Speed Factor 22.3 Physical Disks Drive Index 64MB/s Random Access Time 16ms